Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So yeah... boys suck. I must only attract the jerks or something.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wow, I still really rock at updating this thing don't I?  Things have been crazy busy lately, Wednesday is the last day of classes before the end of the semester, and I have so many things to get done before then.  Then I have 4 finals, and I'll be home on the 17th for break.  Then I'll be back on the 6th to take a J-term class, because who knows, I might actually be able to graduate on time!
So Allison had a date yesterday, and it went well :)  We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then went bowling (yeah he kicked my butt, but I did get a 134!).  Then we came to my place and chilled for awhile, then ended up going out to his place and we talked with his dad for awhile and I met some of his friends.  So, here's to hoping there's a 2nd date! lol.