Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So yeah... boys suck. I must only attract the jerks or something.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wow, I still really rock at updating this thing don't I?  Things have been crazy busy lately, Wednesday is the last day of classes before the end of the semester, and I have so many things to get done before then.  Then I have 4 finals, and I'll be home on the 17th for break.  Then I'll be back on the 6th to take a J-term class, because who knows, I might actually be able to graduate on time!
So Allison had a date yesterday, and it went well :)  We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then went bowling (yeah he kicked my butt, but I did get a 134!).  Then we came to my place and chilled for awhile, then ended up going out to his place and we talked with his dad for awhile and I met some of his friends.  So, here's to hoping there's a 2nd date! lol.

Monday, November 10, 2008

So after a suggestion from mom that I don't update this thing enough.. well.. here's an update. Things have been pretty uneventful lately. I had 3 exams today, and then I have another one on Thursday. You would think it was midterms or something... no, that was like 3 weeks ago. Lame. At least I don't have any papers to do on top of that.
We signed a lease today! I'm so relieved that we found some place to live! All of my friends are in the same neighborhood (after the drama of all of us deciding that we really didn't want to live with each other anymore.. oy) so that will be a ton of fun! And it's only like 5 blocks from school, so that won't be that bad of a walk. The only thing is we'll have to cross one of the busiest streets in La Crosse, thank God for stoplights!

So yeah. Tonight's just a night in of vegging out... baking cookies.. and letting my brain unwind. It's only Monday, really?

Monday, October 27, 2008

So... having no homework is pretty amazing. Even though there are a million and one things I could be doing, I think I will go read New Moon, the 2nd book in the Twilight Series. Seriously, who knew one could fall in love with a character in a book... let alone a vampire? And yes, we will be going to see the midnight showing of the movie, I am beyond excited. *Insert school girl squee here* Yeah before I started reading the books I was like seriously, they can't be good. Well, the first one was pretty good. 2nd one is having a hard time holding my attention, but I heard it's worth it just to get to the 3rd book.

And because I'm so vain... and pretty much love it. My new haircut!

Mi Mexicana y yo!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hmmm well I really rock at this whole blogging thing don't I? Just been really busy, trying to figure out the whole housing situation next year. I'm living with 2 of my friends and so far we found a cute little house that we're going to look at, and keeping our fingers crossed that it isn't taken. We've decided that we'd rather have a house than an apartment so we can make it more homey, and this one has a HUGE basement, so that could be fun too.
Other than that, just trying to survive school. I finally quit Cheddarheads, but it sounded like I would be welcomed with open arms if I ever decided to go back. Which I may, during the summer if I can't find another job. But I am hoping to find a daycare job. One of my friends has one, and she loves it, so I'd like to find one like that.
So yeah... otherwise... nothing else is really going on. I'm excited for Halloween... I'm going to be a Go-Go dancer, complete with boots and everything! It's going to be cute, I'll definitely take pictures... and question.. any suggestions for make-up?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

So, it's funny how even though I'm miles and miles away from my family, we all get sick at the same time. And what a yucky time to get sick... it's pretty much the first week from hell. I had 3 exams and a research proposal due. Pretty sure I'm just to that point where I'm exhausted and my body finally gave in. So now, I'm curled up on the loveseat drinking Butterfinger Hot Chocolate from my sweet new UWL Travel Mug, working on my psych proposal, going to study for Soc... and then get to bed as early as humanly possible. So yes, proposal here I come!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wow... so it's been a long time. Since school has started again I've been insanely busy. Still working at Cheddarheads, and getting about 20-ish hours a week there. I picked up another job, working on campus in the Women's Studies department, and I get about 8 hours there. That's along with 16 credits (6 classes), LASO, and trying to have a social life. During the day I'm never at my place for more than 20 minutes, so it's really messing with my eating schedule. Maybe I'll lose weight this year? lol. But yeah... it's just been crazy busy... and there's been some drama... and a certain boy may be back in my life... and I just don't know.
Don't you ever just wish someone would tell you what to do? Sure. You say that's part of life, figuring out for yourself what's going to happen. I don't think so. I hate not knowing the future. I want to know that I'm going to be happy, that I'm not going to be alone for the rest of my life. I want to know that I'm going to find a job that I love. I just want to know if everything is going to be ok. See? Thinking too much... arguing with myself about things. I'm going to go crazy, I tell ya.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Wow... I can't believe summer is almost over already. It seems like just yesterday that I moved in here, now in a few weeks I'll be moving out again and back onto campus. It'll be nice to have cable again... and AIR CONDITIONING! Wow, I sound a little spoiled... but oh well.
The 21st birthday was GREAT! I had so much fun... although I think Downtown is a little over rated. I had a lot of yummy drinks... but really wasn't that bad, I promise... in fact, I think my friend got more drunk from sharing my drinks than I was!

There's me with my first fishbowl! And no, I didn't drink it all by myself... I had plenty of help... and ok maybe that makes me look like an alcoholic just a little bit, but it was my bday! And I have noticed, the later it gets in the night, the bigger and more crooked my smile gets... haha.

And me and Terrence at my Birthday Party... another good night, save for the little bit of boy drama. (There seems to be a bit of a blue drink trend, huh?)

But overall, good birthday! I had a lot of friends help me celebrate, and I love them for it! And only once have I not gotten carded at the bars... the black bar where the bouncer looks at me, I try to hand him my id, and he says, "Oh you're ok baby, go on in." I was like hmmmm... don't know how I feel about that one... but oh well lol. I guess that old black guy on my birthday was right.

Him: "Have you ever gotten hit on by black guys before?"
Me: "Nope."
Him: "Oh well you better be. Because you have EVERYTHING they want."
Me: "Ummm... ok?" *Looking over to see Dave, who was supposed to be watching out for me, laughing his head off*

Yeah, just a harmless old guy, it was funny though.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boys suck.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

8.5 hours and counting! Then I'll finally be 21. Eh, I heard it's overrated, but we'll see. I'm looking forward to the party on Friday and seeing all my friends again! And going out to dinner tonight, then well, I'm sure you can guess what I'm doing at midnight :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You're killing me Favre!

I really want to know what is running through his head right now. Maybe he's doing all of this for the attention (which really doesn't seem like something he would do). Maybe he really can't make up his mind. But come on. The Packers gave him how many chances to get out of retirement? Even after he announced it way back when, with the tears and all, he let Green Bay know that he didn't want to retire, and McCarthy and Thompson were prepared to go down to Mississippi and bring him back. Only to recieve another phone call to say that he had changed his mind again, and was going to stay retired. Ok, now he's just being a Diva. Seriously, he needs to shut his mouth and stay retired! To even consider going to another team, that's what makes it even worse. As much as I love the man, and totally respected him, with this whole episode, he is losing a ton of my respect. A lot of people have said that they would hate the Packers if they don't bring him back. Sure, I'd hate them in the fact that he would then go to another team. But in this situation, as sucky as it is, I am really starting to dislike Favre.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

So I am curious, does anyone ever read this anymore?  I know Mom does and she just doesn't comment, and I'm pretty sure Dad reads occasionally too... lol.  But yeah, just curious.

11 days and counting until the big 21!  I am excited to see all of my friends and have a good time, and sounds like there is going to be quite the party.  I got a present already, sweet orange towels from my family, I love them!  Such a nerd, but I wanted new towels :)

Had a good time camping with the family.  Got fried because you'd think I'd have brains and wear sunscreen, but nope.  So, owie.  I should take a picture of my lobster skin.  I should just learn that I will never tan.  Ooo and my nails are getting nice and long too, I think I may have been able to finally kick the nail biting habit.  And hopefully I didn't just jinx myself... but they are all getting long, with the exception of the one that I broke camping.  I am so not used to having any nails at all!

Monday, June 23, 2008

me and baby gianna

Me and Gianna... what a little doll :) I was one of the few who got to hold her, she didn't get passed around much. And I didn't get to hold her for long before she started crying... lol. But at least one of us is cute! haha.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Forget anything good I said in the last post.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to my once a week updates... lol. I haven't been up to a whole lot, being a really lazy bum on my days off, and starting to work 35+ hours a week, I can't wait for my next paycheck. I get along with the roommates, we're not really friends, but we do talk. And it is so weird being here alone. Luckily it's a nice building and neighborhood so I don't freak myself out over that. It really is a cute place, there's some pictures at the end of the post :) Trying to have a social life... which is hard when the people I like to hang out with are 21... but they're pretty understanding... I tell them they can kick me out if they want to go downtown... lol.
Our cable was finally cut :(. So that means we have a grand total of 1 channel. ABC, so that's not so bad.
But overall... other things are getting better. I'm not thinking quite so much, and just starting to accept what happened and to move on with my life because hanging on it isn't going to help. Michael and I still talk... we play cribbage online sometimes (Weird, I know, but I taught him to play and he's bound and determined to master the game... I think he has after beating me for like 8 games.. sad.)
I bought some yarn and I'm working on a blanket. Something to keep my mind and hands busy... my nails are finally getting somewhat long! At least, long for me... don't compare them to my sister's... lol.

So, pictures of my apartment :)

living room
Living room


living room again
Other side of the living room


Cute little bathroom lol.

living room
Living room/"dining room" table

Woohoo! I have a closet! Although it's messy... lol.

My "bed" lol

Julie's (the girl I'm subleasing from) chair and my tv stand/where I put all my crap lol.

Living room from my room. And my lonely Brett Favre poster that never wants to stay up lol.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

So pretty sure I have turned into an insomniac since I have moved into my new place. I don't know what it is... can I blame it on the futon? Nah... I think I just have to say that I really can't shut my brain off and stop thinking. The girls that I live with are nice but not my friends. Me and Michelle both work a lot so I don't get to see her as much as I want to. I miss my college girls like crazy... I've hung out with Terrence and Dave a little... They're cool... but it was kinda awkward. I need Janelli to come back from Vegas so it's not just me and the guys...
I feel like sometimes talking about it helps. But then it starts to hurt all over again. I am trying not to sit here and wallow in my self-pity... but it seems to be happening. I can't stop thinking of what happened. How I thought it was going great... but things just changed so fast.

I thought I was over it. I guess not.

Well. Waking up in 5 hours is going to be fun.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Thinking is bad. :'(

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Wow. It's been nearly a month hasn't it. Guess that's what happens when you move twice within, oh, 3 weeks was it? Throw in an attempted trip to Illinois which turned into a trip home, an actual trip to Illinois that killed your relationship, and a trip home for graduation.

So yep. I'm single again. Long story, but I think we're better off this way. I did love the conversation I had at graduation with Grandma and my aunt Sarah.
Grandma: So how's your Michael doing? Sarah did you hear about Allison's Michael?
Sarah: Yeah! I am so happy for you!
Me: We broke up.
Sarah: Already!?
Ohhhh yeah talk about making me feel good. But yeah, basically it was mutual I suppose. Haven't really talked to him since. Funny how fast things change, isn't it?

But yes, it's 12:30 am. And yes, I am stealing someone's wireless. Hey, can you blame me? I'm not liking this not having the internet thing. I think ours is supposed to be hooked up by Friday, so that will be nice. But I am going home for Aaron's party on Friday.
Anywho... I think it's time for bed... nighty night.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

So I had a great weekend with the boy.  Saturday he met my friends and then we just chilled.  And I have to say, no matter how hard we tried, dorm beds just don't fit 2... especially when you're two "fluffy" people... lol.  So guess who ended up on the floor?  Oh well... at least I got a back rub out of it!  Then Sunday we hung out around La Crosse, I took him to see the infamous Cheddarheads and bought him an amazing Wisconsin shirt, with the threat of getting a Bears shirt in return!  We'll see... lol.  Then Sunday night he watched the Cubs game while I did homework, thrilling eh?  Not sure when we're going to see each other again, he said he was going to steal me and take me back to Illinois with him, which I am pretty sure I wouldn't have objected... but yeah.  Soon hopefully... although it looks like I'll only have Mondays and Wednesdays off through may, I am hoping that it will change as the summer gets going... I doubt I'll have any weekends off either... but want to make it to Ohio with him, and have talked about going to a Cubs game... but I guess I'll just have to be patient.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Long time, no update.  Ok, it's only been a week, but it does seem like awhile since I've had an actual update, verdad?  I really need to get writing this paper, but I would much rather take a nap.  I swear, someone should tell that boy that it's not nice to be all sweet and not want to hang up the phone at 3 am... lol.  And he is coming up next weekend, and all I can say is it better work out, because this is the 3rd weekend we've planned, and yeah.  This whole long distance thing isn't a whole lot of fun... 
2 more weeks of school... then I have 3 finals that are regular exams, and 2 papers besides that.  I have started my philosophy one, it's not very good, but I have started it.  
And what is up with all these random bruises all over my body?  Apparently I beat myself up in my sleep or something.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I must say, I love it when kids come into Cheddarheads.  Although this conversation took place awhile ago, I cracked up when I heard it. 
A family was from Minnesota (I love it how they always have to explain to me that they're from Minnesota, I actually usually can tell, especially when they make bitter Packers remarks... lol).  But anyway, the little boy wanted a Packers keychain.

"Dad!  I want this keychain!"
"No, you can't have that."
"But why?"
"Because you're a Vikings fan!"
"I AM?!"

Just the sound of amazement and questioning in his voice cracked me up.  And boy was he mad that he couldn't get that keychain!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So the boy gets an A+ for remembering my favorite flowers :)  What a surprise I had waiting at work for me today!  And yes, that's a pitcher, I don't have a vase lol.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

So it's been awhile since I've had a real update. Things are going well for once, everything's starting to fall into place. Got my summer job, where I'm going to live (subleasing from a friend, which I would much rather do than sublease from a stranger). And the boy situation is good. But let me just say this whole long distance thing kinda sucks... lol. And our schedules are so conflicting. Weekends are good for me, and suck for him, but he has Sundays and Mondays off, and I have class from 8-5:30 on Mondays sooo... hopefully once the summer comes it'll all be better. Especially if he could ever get a set schedule... haha.
So my boss asked me all the days that I wanted off this summer, so I took off my birthday, and that's about the only day she said she could give me off since it wasn't on a weekend. Camping 4th of the July weekend with the family? Nope, that's Riverfest. Helping prepare for Aaron's grad party? Nope, it's a weekend. Going to Ohio with Michael for his sister and brother-in-law's retirements from the Army? It's a possibility. I thought that was the whole reason I made that list, so I could get the days off that I wanted. I mean I didn't ask for more than 10 days off the whole summer. "It just all depends on when the new people want off!" Umm... hello, and who's been working there longer? Ugh, but whatever.
Last day of classes is coming up soon! May 16th! I am so ready for this semester to be over, it's been tough, and am definitely looking forward to taking classes I actually want to! Don't remember if I said this, but I officially declared my minors. Psychology Major with a Sociology Minor and a CYCE (Child/Youth Care Emphasis) Minor. Sound smart? Or stupid? lol... we will see...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Me and Maria, what hotties!

Our AB attempt at being gangsta... haha.

Mi Latina y yo!

So there are some pictures from LASO (Latin American Student Organization) Fiesta that is put on every year.  We have an "authentic" Mexican dinner (I sat by Janelli, and oh boy, did she complain about the "Mexican" food haha) and then Salsa dancing.  And yes, I actually danced!  I wasn't very good, but it was a lot of fun :)
I had to go shopping for an outfit to wear, and glad I did!  The sweater I was planning on wearing would have been way too warm!  We went to Vanity and I found this dress that I LOVED!  But it was way too short, so I ended up wearing black pants under it, which totally worked!  I seriously felt so pretty, and I got so many compliments, it was amazing!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do those weird California college students ever go to class?  Geez, I swear.

And go check out Kyle's blog for their other videos... they're pretty sweet.. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

So.. this pretty much made me cry... lol.  Can't believe he retired.. I pretty much cried during his press conference too :(

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Allison is :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Remember the ice skating rink that was Rape Alley? Well, after a few days of 40+ degree weather (gorgeous, I tell ya!)... said ice has melted into a lake. Ok, well not a lake, but a good inch of standing water there and on various sidewalks around campus. Not so fun in the clogs (or as Kyle would say, leather sandals... nooo. Sandals have open toes! lol) or the jeans. But whatever, the salt lines at the bottom look totally cool. I kinda need a new pair anyway, these seem to have been soaked with salt.
But yes... time for Allison to go study for Psych and Stats tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

So Kyle pointed out this website which I think is hilarious. Ok, granted I don't get some of them, but they are funny... lol.

But this one by far has to be my favorite.

Hmmm. If midterm week is going to be this bad, I don't want to know how bad finals week is going to be... I just got my History midterm, which is a 3-5 page paper, which is doable. He extended the deadline to Tuesday by noon, but since Allison has class on Tuesday until noon, I'm pretty sure I will get it done by Monday anyway. Then I have a Spanish quiz, Stats exam, and a Psych exam, all of which I totally need to kick butt on since it seems practically impossible for me to do any better than a C on anything this semester. So if I do want to get into grad school... ugh. I would love to have both days this weekend off, but I work 10-5 on Saturday. And I guess I do have Sunday off... but ARGH. Just keep telling myself... just get through this week and I'll have Spring Break... it won't kill me... but AHHHHH!
Then all the preparations for the LASO Fiesta, ok so I don't have to do that much, but still. How come the white girl had to be secretary last night? lol. And trying to keep up with my friends who apparently aren't telling me their plans for tonight. Oh well, if they tell me, I'll go out with them. If not, I'll stay in and work on midterms. Maybe I should just go spend my Friday and Saturday nights in the library. Lame eh?
Still trying to figure out what I want to do this summer. One of my friends said she'd be willing to sell me her car, we'll see how much her parents want to sell it for. My hopes are that I can stay up here and take classes, and work while I'm at it. Don't know if I can live on campus without taking classes, but my friend also said that I could live with her and split rent if I needed to, so that is definitely a possibility. And need to look at the costs of summer classes here and decide if I can afford it or not...

Hmmm so holy long entry. If you read that, you're getting a cookie... Chocolate Chocolate Chunk Mint sound good?

Monday, March 03, 2008

So I have been feeling a lot less stressed lately. But looking at the next two weeks and all the stuff that I am going to have to get done before Spring Break... well... let's just say it's not going to be much fun. But, not going to think about that right now.

So yesterday, it was absolutely GORGEOUS outside. I think it got up to like 45 or something like that... I hardly needed my coat! (No Kyle, I'm not crazy, seriously, it was a heatwave!) And then last night... it started raining, which then turned into snow. Crazy Wisconsin weather. But you have to love walking to your classes on a nice sheet of ice... Rape Alley was HORRIBLE (and I know that's horrible that we call it rape alley, it's just a path between two buildings that's really dark and creepy at night). I could tell they put salt down, but it didn't help much.

Otherwise... life is good I guess. Trying to work something out, and hoping everything will work and it will turn out to be awesome... but on the other hand, I really don't want to get my hopes up so... we'll see I guess.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

So Mom tagged me. And since I'm still debating on going out tonight or just being a loser and staying in... I thought I'd do this.

The rules for the meme are:Link to the person who tagged you.Post the rules on your blog.Share six non important things/habits/quirks about yourself.Tag someone at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I really do enjoy being a loser and staying in sometimes. But I love going and being with my friends just as much.

2. I'm a HUGE grammar freak. That's why I was originally an English major... my biggest pet peeve? When people mix up "they're/their/there" and all those other homophones (why I know that word is beyond me).

3. I love, love, love, love, love kids. Really can't wait to be a mom :)

4. I love 80's movies. Half of my movie collection was made before I was born ;) lol.

5. I love Vanity jeans. They're the only kind I'll wear now. I mean you have to love 37" inseams! haha.

6. And this one makes me lame, but oh well, random fact. 20 years old and still never had a boyfriend... haha. We'll see... there's always tomorrow...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ahh... so seriously. Who uses 5 washing machines? Haha... probably someone who hasn't done laundry since they got back from break... but still. Throws off my whole schedule man... lol.

Edit: Ok so the guy that used the 5 washing machines was pretty cute... soooo... ;) haha. And nice smile too :)

Ooo but this morning I did wake up and look outside, and we must have gotten a little bit of snow, because it was all sparkly and pretty and I was like awwww :)

So yeah.. but other than that... still busy. Still trying to decide what to do about my job and such... so yeah. Just trying to not get too stressed out or anything... but I don't even have weekends anymore... so yeah.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hmmm... so I slack on this a lot. I've just been crazy busy lately... and feeling extremely overwhelmed... which really doesn't do a whole lot for my emotional side... bah... I am such a girl sometimes.
My boss (ok so he's not even really my boss, he's my boss's husband) has been a totally jerk to me lately. I mean, the man won't even look me in the eye when he talks to me, and can go from smiling to being in a pissy mood... I hate it. And telling me that if I don't sell enough stuff, they won't make enough money. And that doesn't make him happy when they don't make money. And when they don't make money, they're aren't any wages, "and you wouldn't want that, now would you Allison?" UGH! My friend's roommate worked there, and he made her cry the first day! She only lasted two weeks there, and I see why!
But my roommate and her friend are watching a movie, and I'm hoping it'll be done soon... I'm ready to sleep... sleep and not wake up. Bah.

Friday, February 08, 2008

So my spanish prof told us about this video this morning... and I thought it was hilarious :)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Because I really don't wanna do stats... and I can't go to bed yet...

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?

Ummm... well I would be extremely freaked out... and probably cry since that's pretty much impossible? And I don't really want that right now.

2. Do you trust all of your friends?

I only have one or two that I completely trust.

3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?

Sure, I'd like to think I would.

4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Hmm.. I suppose I could say so, but then I wonder about the reasons a lot...

5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?

For sure... I only pay with bills... lol.

6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?

Hahaha. I don't know if I'd trust any of them! Nah... they're all really caring... I think they'd all be great doctors.

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?

Hmmm.. maybe... just a little.

what happened to #8?

9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?

Yes, sometimes... so I daydream in class... lol.

10. What’s your most favorite scar?

Hmm... the one on my knee is pretty sweet, from jumping off the porch.

11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?


12. What did the last text message you sent say?

Uhh... good question. "Yep yep now all I have to do is do it." from Larry talking about moving.

13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?

I love eyes and smile. But sense of humor is a must.

14. Fill in the blank. I love ________.…

you... you love me... we're a happy family... Hahaha shush. It's the first thing that popped into my head.

15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?

Get through this semester...

16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?

My mommy?

17. How many kids do you want to have?

2 or 3?

18. Would you make a good parent?

I'd like to think so. I mean my friends don't call me "Super Mom" for no reason.

19. Where was your favorite picture taken?

Haha. I must say, I quite like this David Beckham one, and it was taken in Brooke and Maria's living room.

20. What’s your middle name?


21. Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?

"Every now and again sometimes I get lost on the wind of a dream. The air gets cleaner and the seas get white and I can do anything." Anything by Mae.

22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?

I suppose the right answer would be to say nothing, right?

23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?

I'm thinking it'll probably be my sister. But no idea how I will ever choose my bridesmaids...

24. What are you wearing right now?

Just jeans and a sweatshirt.. going to change into pjs soon though!

25. Righty or Lefty?


26. Best place to eat?

Hmmmm... on campus... The Cellar. Otherwise, Arby's!

27. Favorite jeans?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Vanity Jeans. Long inseams for these long legs... haha.

28. Favorite Animal?


29. Favorite juice?


30. Have you had the chicken pox?

Yep. Have the pictures to prove it.

31. Have you had a sore throat?

Oh yeah. Hasn't everyone?

32. Ever had a bar fight?

Never been to a bar lol.

33. Who knows you the best?

I'm going to have to say... Brooke and Michelle.

34. Shoe size?


35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?

Neither... although I suppose I should get my eyes checked again.

36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?

Nah... but been really really mad at my dog.

37. Been to Mexico?

Not yet...

38. Did you buy something today?

Technically my supper, with dining dollars. Oh and ice cream? Ugh, and I supose I could count tuition?

40. Do you miss someone today?

Hmmm yeah. I've been missing her for awhile.

41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?


42. When is the last time you had a massage?

Haha. Before I quit choir in.. 8th grade? lol.

43. Last person to lie in your bed?

Hmmm... I believe Melanie did once last semester.

44. Last person to see you cry?

That paid any attention? Me, myself, and I.

45. Who made you cry?

Eh. We'll just say Bob again.

46. What was the last TV show you watched?

Does Harry Potter count?

47. What are your plans for the weekend?

Work. Sleep sometime. Party?

48. Who do you think will repost this?

Uhh... Kyle?

49. Who was the last person you hung out with?

Brooke! Brooke and Allison bonding time, I love it :)

50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY, what would you say?

Well... considering I don't have one... I'll just put N/A for now.

And the Giants win the Super Bowl! As much as I wanted it to happen, I sure didn't see it coming! Let's just say I jumped up at that last touchdown and my head came very close to my foodboard.

And it's the beginning of week number 2. I feel as if I've been here for an eternity already....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

So it is 1 a.m. And why is Allison still up? Because she is too mad to sleep. Allison never gets mad about anything... but tonight I did.

First of all, today was the 4 year anniversary of the death of my two friends Steph and Tilah. And I didn't realize it until about 7 tonight. So besides feeling sad, I was feeling incredibly guilty.

So the conversation with Bob (name changed to protect the preachy) started out normally. Until I brought up church. Said I was stuck in a rut, and maybe the reason I'm not comfortable attending church right now is because I don't agree with everything being said. Namely gay marriage and abortion. And so Bob goes back to gays and asked what I believe. I said that I believe that no person has any right to tell any other person what to say or do, so why should anyone tell them who to love? He then proceeded to pull out his Bible and throw me a verse from Corintians where it says homosexuality is a sin. And I listened. He told me about a psychology book where a gay man was "cured" of being gay, and I told him that was complete and utter bull crap. And so then he told me to prove my believes. If I could find something somewhere written that proved what I said, he would then listen to my argument. I proceeded to tell him that I could not prove my beliefs because they are in my heart, and I do not need a book to tell me in my heart what is right and what is wrong.
By then I was clearly upset, on the brink of tears, and he told me again that if I was willing to prove it, he would listen, but not otherwise. I told him then that I did not want to talk about it anymore, and he left.
And basically yeah. Right now I'm upset/mad/I don't even know what. But I can't sleep. And I have to get up in oh... 5ish hours?
It's just frustrating. Obviously I care a lot more about this than I thought.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wow... is it ever cold outside. You know that when local high/middle/elementary schools cancel, it's WAY cold. And yet, who still has to walk to class in -22 degree windchill? Yeah that's right. Not that I'm complaining or anything, why would I complain? Because there's nothing like your face hurting and not being able to feel your legs when you get to class. haha. I mean, I saw at least 2 people without coats on this morning. Granted they were wearing sweatshirts, but still. CRAZY. And then there's that one guy you always see walking back from the Rec with shorts on. And bright red legs. Ouch.
I didn't even have to go to work yesterday because the weather was supposed to get bad. Which was nice, but then again, I didn't get paid. Don't have to go in until Saturday... but that means I will have about 5 hours on my next pay check... woo 35 bucks!
But anywho. Off to stats! Then History... then Philosophy. Woo!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

So I made it back to school, after forgetting my purse. Of course, I always forget something. I'm really glad that I happened to have my keys in my coat pocket, which is very unusual.
I worked today too, found out that my hours were cut a lot for next semester, maybe 11-15 a week. Which hopefully won't be too bad, especially with my class load. But we'll see, I can always ask for more.
Classes start tomorrow, which is always interesting... got all my books... 11 of them... 5 of which are for Philosophy! Thank goodness we don't have to buy them!
And hmmm... really no new news. Other than I have to work every Saturday from now to the end of February, and every other Sunday. So much for sleeping in.

Well... I'm thinking it's bedtime soon.... hopefully? Gotta get up at 6:45 tomorrow... ehh...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New picture on my layout... hehe.

Mmmmm David Beckham.

Monday, January 14, 2008

So wow... I have been majorly slacking on this. Haven't had a real update in nearly a month!

Break hasn't been too thrilling, as always. I guess I'm really kicking myself [and I think that mom's about ready to kick me, too] for not becoming a seasonal worker at the nursing home so I could at least have something to do while I'm at home. Ready to get back to school... get on some sort of schedule.. and start working again.

I'm trying to save for a car. I should have some money left over after my scholarship, so then I'll have about $1400 saved. I think that if I want to stay at school this summer, a car is almost a necessity. The buses don't run as often during the summer... so I would probably be getting to work an hour or so early.. and that's not going to work because my boss doesn't seem to understand the concept of me having to ride the bus, even though I've told her.
I want to take classes too... and there are 3 summer sessions, so if I take classes for at least 2 of the 3... that should be good. I am hoping too that maybe they'll offer Pre-Calc so I can retake it and get a better grade, because ANYTHING has to be better than a D!

But yeah... lol. I go back on the 26th. A long break...

Monday, January 07, 2008

Hahahahaha. So doing that at my wedding, don't you think?