Sunday, December 02, 2007

I am in need of a break. 3 papers due this week, one being six pages (don't worry, I'm working on page 4 right now), a Spanish quiz, and I'm sure a couple of English quizzes will be stuck in there too. And 1 day off of work. Yeah. Wednesday. 26 hours. I know, it could be worse. But still. I am going to be pooped.


Anonymous said...

yup, but the count down has begun!


Valerie said...

pooped, but smarter!

when do you go home for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Good luck with all those quizzes and papers. Glad you got a job. Is hectic, but great to have that spending money. Bet you are looking forward to Christmas break. Enjoy the holidays once all that studying is over! Merry Christmas!

Steff said...

You mean to say that there are other things to feel besides pooped?!

Hang in there! I only wish my break was as long as yours will be. :)