Sunday, July 06, 2008

So I am curious, does anyone ever read this anymore?  I know Mom does and she just doesn't comment, and I'm pretty sure Dad reads occasionally too... lol.  But yeah, just curious.

11 days and counting until the big 21!  I am excited to see all of my friends and have a good time, and sounds like there is going to be quite the party.  I got a present already, sweet orange towels from my family, I love them!  Such a nerd, but I wanted new towels :)

Had a good time camping with the family.  Got fried because you'd think I'd have brains and wear sunscreen, but nope.  So, owie.  I should take a picture of my lobster skin.  I should just learn that I will never tan.  Ooo and my nails are getting nice and long too, I think I may have been able to finally kick the nail biting habit.  And hopefully I didn't just jinx myself... but they are all getting long, with the exception of the one that I broke camping.  I am so not used to having any nails at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess if its just me you can call me sometime! lol
