I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter :)
I'm still debating the whole changing my major thing. My friend Becky said to take the summer to think it over, because she did, and now she's really happy with the decision that she made. But I don't know. And that's what I hate most in the world: not knowing. I wish someone would just tell me what to do, but I know that's not going to happen.
Well... I have homework to get done... see if I can get it done before Clare gets back.
I can relate! The summer before I began my junior year I decided to completely switch majors. I prayed long and hard and then just jumped in with both feet. I changed from dental hygiene to education. It's a decision that I haven't regretted at all! I love what I'm doing. Of course, it added an extra year to my college experience, but it was the best thing I could have done. Take the time (even if you hate it), pray about it, and then do what feels right! Good luck! :)
i did the same thing: i was originally a journalism major, then switched to English. i had to switch once i found out that in journalism, NO ONE cares about the writers opinion.
what's your major now?
I'm an English major, and I'm considering switching to English Education. But I really don't know if I can be a teacher...
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