It's Farmkid's Birthday! Like my tanlines? Finally, I get some sun! lol.
Mmmm cake! And my sunglasses from Maria!
So camping was a ton of fun. My friends surprised me with a birthday party on Saturday night, and I had no idea. I got a lot of great presents, but seriously, just spending time with them was a great present :)
I can't believe I turn 20 tomorrow!
farmkid, huh? that makes me giggle...
Farmkid...great nickname!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love those glasses. :) I hope you have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday Allison. I hope you have a joyous and wonderful day
Ron NZ
I just wandered over from Doodlebugmom's place to wish you a happy birhtday and many more to come. Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AEW! Boring farmkid? We don't think so!?! Sounds like your birthday weekend/week has been pretty fun. ENJOY this time in your life. It may not seem like it, but it is the most carefree, fun, free, joyous time you will EVER have.
And don't worry about boys - they come along soon enough, and when you're least expecting it! Usually, when you are sick of boys (not men - as they NEVER grow up), then one pops into your life and you end up together. If you're lucky, it will be a good one.
But just remember, marriage (and even living together) is really just a form of legalized slavery for women! (Sorry the truth hurts). You may luck out and get one that actually has a conscious and maybe even picks up after himself. (If they help at all, like doing the dishes or laundry once a month, they brag about it like they are saints - never thinking that some things need doing daily!) But usually, in the long run, the for better or worse part means better for the man, worse for the woman.
Hopefully you can find love and happiness, but SHOP AROUND. And you never know anyway until years go by, whether or not your choice was right. If you are lucky, like me and your mom, you will find true lasting love, and fellows who HELP OUT some of the time, but at least are there to support you while you're sweating it out doing all the chores. You'll probably also be working a real paying job in your SPARE time!!!
Not trying to burst your bubble. Just a reality kick about real life for women. And that is only in America. It's so much worse for other women worldwide. Men are dogs everywhere - just find a good trainable one!
Sorry your birthday present was late, it was worth the wait.. right?
And dont worry, there are lots of nice guys out there. Let your friends set you up, if it doesn't work out, you can usually look back and laugh.
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