Monday, October 08, 2007

Not so good at keeping this updated anymore am I? That's because not much happens here... lol... Sleep, class, homework, eat, sleep, class, homework... and the cycle goes on. Maybe a little fun thrown in there on the weekends. Not too much fun though... lol.
Hmm.. what else? I have my advising appointment tomorrow, and I am a little nervous. But hopefully it all goes well and then I can go change my major, and officially be a Pre-Psychology major. Makes me sound smart? lol.


Valerie said...

i wondered where you gets weird when i haven't seen you for awhile! (consider me the WestCoastMum)

what do you have to do at the advising appointment?

Steff said...

Don't feel too bad. Sometimes blogging comes and goes. I know that sometimes I have to wrack my brain for an interesting post. Other days it just comes out of the blue! Take whatever comes!

Valerie said...

ok. i totally like this picture better than the other one.
not sure why, i just do.