So I'm taking a study break. I'm pretty sure my brain is about to explode. It's so full of information, it's not funny!
So tomorrow I have my speech final from 10-12. It's going to be super easy, multiple choice. Then on Tuesday I have my Pre-Calc final from 2:30-4:30. That's the one that I really need to do well on. I've got my grade all figured out, and I'm getting a C. And that's the best I will get, even if I ace the final, and that's not going to happen. I know, I know, a C is average and is considered good in college. But I've never gotten a C before in my life. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have gone to such a smart college. Everyone makes me feel so dumb here, and they don't even try. Don't get me wrong, I do love it here, and I love all my friends, and obviously I was sent here for a reason, but UGH. As long as I can get all my scholarships, I'll be good. Because if I don't get my scholarships, especially my good one, that means no more college for Allison.
And my 2nd semester schedule sucks. I was so intent on getting the classes that I wanted that I scheduled classes from 8:50-4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So that was pretty much dumb of me.
I'm just really ready to go home. After Sunday & everything else that happened this week, I've just been in a bad mood. Hopefully I can get out of this slump soon, because it's no fun. I get irritated easily at the stupidest little things, and that's no good. And even though I've been getting a lot of sleep, I just feel plain worn out.
So yeah. I think that's enough from me. Back to frying my brain.
first off, i cannot believe you're having a final on a Saturday!! what the bleep is that all about?!
you know you're not dumb, just tired. tis' the season, sweetie. add to that extra stress with all the crap that happened to your mom & brother, and me, it would cream out someone my age, so of course it'll fry you!
it'll be better. trust me. i never went to college away from my home, but i remember being completely overwhelmed. just like now!
History (or should I say HERSTORY) repeats itself! My first C was in college calc. I had tested into it from high school. Thought it would be easy, but it wasn't! I was used to straight A's so that first C really hurt. But hey. . . Pre-Calc. A tough course. So a C is good. It's all relative (pun intended!)! Keep on studying. Not much longer to go! It will be a great holiday vacation back at home. Your mom will be glad to see you! Hope the weather is good for your trip back. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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