Thursday, January 31, 2008

So it is 1 a.m. And why is Allison still up? Because she is too mad to sleep. Allison never gets mad about anything... but tonight I did.

First of all, today was the 4 year anniversary of the death of my two friends Steph and Tilah. And I didn't realize it until about 7 tonight. So besides feeling sad, I was feeling incredibly guilty.

So the conversation with Bob (name changed to protect the preachy) started out normally. Until I brought up church. Said I was stuck in a rut, and maybe the reason I'm not comfortable attending church right now is because I don't agree with everything being said. Namely gay marriage and abortion. And so Bob goes back to gays and asked what I believe. I said that I believe that no person has any right to tell any other person what to say or do, so why should anyone tell them who to love? He then proceeded to pull out his Bible and throw me a verse from Corintians where it says homosexuality is a sin. And I listened. He told me about a psychology book where a gay man was "cured" of being gay, and I told him that was complete and utter bull crap. And so then he told me to prove my believes. If I could find something somewhere written that proved what I said, he would then listen to my argument. I proceeded to tell him that I could not prove my beliefs because they are in my heart, and I do not need a book to tell me in my heart what is right and what is wrong.
By then I was clearly upset, on the brink of tears, and he told me again that if I was willing to prove it, he would listen, but not otherwise. I told him then that I did not want to talk about it anymore, and he left.
And basically yeah. Right now I'm upset/mad/I don't even know what. But I can't sleep. And I have to get up in oh... 5ish hours?
It's just frustrating. Obviously I care a lot more about this than I thought.


Anonymous said...

I thought about Steph and Tilah about the same time you did last night.

As for the gay marriage thing, this isnt in the bible, but I always liked it. We are here to be witnesses, not judges.

And you can't argue with someone so narrow minded. You know in your heart you are right, don't waste your time or your tears on someone so prejudiced. (I know, easier said than done.)

love ya!

Valerie said...

oh girlie - you are so much like your auntie it scares me.

i do the same thing when i believe passionately in something and i can't prove it, i get weepy. frustrates the hell outta me.

it's also because, like you said, you care. and others are narrow minded and that's frustrating. and mom is SO right: we are here to be a witness, not a judge..

hugging you. i'll buy ya something nice @ Disneyland, 'K?

Anonymous said...

"Bob" apparently does not know the passage in the Bible that says love your neighbor as yourself. The Methodists happen to believe everyone is God's children. They even accept bankers. Usury is a sin too, but no one condemns the bankers for their "extortion". (I just had to get my Bibles out to look this up!! And every Bible version is different in wording - not all specifically refer to homosexuality.) Bob needs to read the next line 1st Corint. 6:10 where it talks of thieves, drunkards, revilers and extortionists! I would assume Bob never drank, stole, partied and is not a banker. Nor a fornicator as that is in the same verse as the so called homosexuals - so hopefully he never had sex outside of marriage nor masturbated - that's in the Bible too! 1st Corin 5:13 says Those who are outside, GOD judges. It's not up to us humans to judge others. Bob just can't hang out with anyone who does any of the above 'per the Bible', so doubt he has any friends at all if he reads this literally. And remember, the Bible was written by men who were incredibly intimidated by women or anyone "effeminate". Books about women (except Ruth and Esther) weren't included in the Bible - only in the Dead Sea Scrolls. AND If God made us in God's image, then God is a woman, since science has now proven ALL of us are female when originally conceived - males are mere mutations. Hope Bob is ready for that when he gets to heaven's gates to meet HER! Lots of people may be surprised! Let's face it, we're ALL sinners - we just have to keep working on being better human beings and learn from our mistakes. And that's why Jesus came along, to die for our human sins, forgive us, and try to help us get along. Jesus even accepted women and children who were considered mere property in His time. He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks! And by the way, only GOD is perfect. So sleep in peace - Bob will be judged soon enough!