Sunday, February 04, 2007

Aaron and Liz came up to visit me this weekend. I felt bad, it was so cold out and we really didn't do anything. We did drive out to Onalaska and go shopping though, which was nice. I really liked having a car! Especially for church this morning, then we didn't have to worry about sneaking out early to catch the bus or walking back to campus.
Not a whole lot going on exciting lately. I guess I'm waiting for the homework to start piling on. I haven't had a whole lot, and frankly, it's scaring me. Because I know it's going to start soon. 2 weeks down, 5 to go until midterm. And Spring Break! I'm thinking about going to Mississippi during Spring Break for a mission trip, to do Katrina Relief. It would be all paid for, I could get a scholarship. But, we'd go from Saturday-Saturday, meaning I wouldn't get to go home at all. Which, wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. I think I could make it not going home. But it would be nice to. Who knows. I guess I have a while to think about it.

I want a boyfriend. My friends and their boyfriends make me jealous... lol.


Valerie said...

good for you - doing something good for others on your vacation!

wish i could help with the boyfriend thing...i know how it hurts sometimes to be the only single girl in a group of couples...i'll keep my fingers crossed for a keeper for you!

Anonymous said...

I told you to get a game for them. It wasn't a good weekend, they will have to come another time when its warmer. The left over pizza was good.

(I think I know why he was cranky, the Walmart in Viroqua sucks)
