Monday, February 12, 2007

Owwwie. I have a HUGE canker sore in my mouth. I'm thinking I stabbed my gums when I was trying to brush my teeth Friday night. Hm, yeah, don't ask. But it just feels like a canker sore. I'm not really looking forward to having to play in band with it. Hmm... maybe it's a good thing I don't have a Valentine? lol.
My friend Mel asked me if I wanted to go out to eat on Tuesday night. I guess us single ladies are getting all dolled up, hopping on the public transportation, and going somewhere to eat. Good thing I brought back my black pants, although I don't think I have any shoes... :(. The ones I do have could be a little chilly, and they probably wouldn't be too good considering how slushy it is around here.
I knew the homework would start piling up! Tonight I have to write a paper for English, 2 papers for Spanish (well, technically I only have to write one... I want to get a start on the other one, and read for English. My goal is to have it all done by 8 so I can go chill in the triple! I attempted to do homework down there last night, and it didn't work so well.
Hmmm... not much new I don't think. I'm still debating the Mississippi trip, we'll see how much more information I get.
Well, I think I'm going to go do my dishes quick before band. Hope everyone is doing well :)



Valerie said...

i HATEHATEHATE canker sores.

how's band going for you?

Anonymous said...

wear your tennies, this is Wisconsin, not a fashion show. Brrrr

But on the other hand...high heels on ice...could be fun!
