Monday, June 25, 2007

So, I dyed my hair! Ok, no big commitment. As in the stuff that washes out in 6-12 washes. Guess it really didn't turn out how I had hoped... basically it looks the same, until I go outside... then you can see a slightly red tint. *sigh* Maybe red highlights? Michelle's turned out absolutely adorable, so she's going to make it permanent. We'll have to go on another roadtrip again.

Saturday night Isaac decided he wanted to go to Wal-Mart, even though I had been there the night before. So I said sure, it got me out of the house. I know what you're thinking, and no, it was not a date. He's 16 for pete's sake. No. And come on, when I have to pay him for gas? (LOL Valerie!) And pay for my own supper? No, it's not a date. But all I have to say is Mmmmm... Chinese! I was pretty excited when he wanted to go there. And dates don't spray you with Axe and make you smell like a boy :( Oh well. At least I had some extra Bom Chicka Wah Wah.


Valerie said...

i LOVE those commercials.

and yer right: paying for your own dinner and gas ain't a date, unless you previously agree to go dutch.

Steff said...

I'm going to dye my hair too. I have this drab brown stuff so I use Clairol Natural Instincts Cinnaberry. It's a great shade of light red. mean the Axe didn't have the same effect as the commercials say?!?!?!!